FICH Honors the Dedication of Peace Corps Volunteers at Discovery Bootcamp

PCVs who facilitated at the Bootcamp

When the Foundation for Inclusive Community Help (FICH) set out to organize the LEAD Discovery Bootcamp for 2023 at Everest High School in Oyam District, there was a need for passionate individuals who have a shared commitment to education and empowering girls. It was then that Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) were approached.

Gregory Ripke, a dedicated Peace Corps Volunteer attached to FICH, worked tirelessly to coordinate the complex processes that made this Bootcamp a reality. FICH remains immensely grateful for his invaluable efforts. The PCVs are Eleanor Wade, Kiana Campbell, Yosef Monsef, Tristan Kruse, Felicia Thom, Nathan Banks.

The Peace Corps Volunteers embraced FICH soft skills development program with enthusiasm, drawing parallels to practices in their home schools in the US. Their instrumental role has transformed this Bootcamp into a memorable and enriching experience, as described by Emmy Zoomlamai Okello, the Executive Director of FICH. He highlighted how the girls benefit from diverse approaches, thanks to the various facilitators hailing from different communities including role model sessions with prominent, knowledgeable models.

Full Gratitude Message by FICH Administration to the PCVs:

Heartfelt Appreciation

Words cannot adequately convey our profound gratitude for the exceptional support and selfless dedication extended to FICH during the LEAD Discovery Bootcamp at Everest High School in Oyam District, held from September 5th to 17th, 2023.

The dedication, the spirit of voluntarism, the impeccable facilitation in both classroom and outdoor activities, and the boundless creativity displayed by our Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) team were nothing short of world-class.

Your efforts have left a permanent impact on our learners, and we are deeply thankful for your commitment to our cause. May your journey continue to be blessed, and may you continue to touch and transform lives wherever it takes you.

A special note of appreciation to Gregory Ripke for his exceptional coordination with his fellow Peace Corps volunteers.

With sincere gratitude,

Foundation for Inclusive Community Help (FICH)


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